Calls To Action
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
Call To Action #1
Declaration of Existence
Through the adoption of the Artists United
Landing Page Message, Terms Page
and Statement of Account
* Please read our writing The Crisis of The Arts here before reading this call to action.
Though we have been on a path of arts degradation for many years, and much momentum has gathered in the wrong direction, it is not too late to change course. The time to do right is always now, no matter how long a period of wrong. One of the first things we must do is change the perception of whose right it is to determine how art is acquired and accessed. Presently it is the The Average who feel the right is theirs. And it is no wonder, for the majority of artists have long been mute.
This is why the first call to action of Artists United is the adoption of the Artists United Landing Page Statement, Terms Page and Statement of Account. A landing page is the first page a visitor sees when they visit a website. The Artists United Landing Page Statement is to be the secondary focal point of the artist's landing page (the primary focal point being the artist's name) and is to read as follows: I am an Artists United artist. I believe that the artist has the right to determine how their art is acquired and accessed, for it exists not without them. The artist is then to instruct the viewer how to get to their Terms Page with a sentence like: If you would like to acquire or access my art, click ENTER to see how (the “ENTER” button, in this example, links to the Terms Page). The Terms Page is the page listing the artist's terms, and is to contain whichever terms the artist wishes for the acquisition of and/or access to their art.
The adoption of these pages accomplishes several key goals. First: it serves as a clear — unambiguous — voice. No longer can the artist's silence be taken as consent for whatever behaviour The Average wishes, or allow The Average to deceive themselves so. Second: by adopting a common Landing Page Statement, but a unique Terms Page, artists serve both their union and their agency. They declare in one simple gesture that they are both proud to be one in defence of morality, and many in their expression of it. Third: it serves as a beacon for others. For every person who summons the courage to act, there are many on the verge. The artist who takes this action will serve as a guide to many more, to those on the brink of declaring that even if they choose to give their work away, for a limited time or for all time, the choice is theirs to make.
It is also absolutely essential that the artist — no matter what their terms — state how they feel toward those who dishonour them; that they make a Statement of Account and post it somewhere on their Terms Page. A Statement of Account is a statement made by the artist holding those who choose to dishonour their terms, accountable. Such statements are nothing new. Each of us has been giving and receiving them all of our lives. If we want to be another's friend, we need to prove ourselves worthy of their friendship. We need to prove ourselves of a certain depth. There is, in other words, a high bar for entry into the friendship domain. If we do not pass the bar, they will say to us — in one way or another — "You lack the depth to be my friend". All healthy, genuine relationships operate this way. The artist-audience relationship should be no different.
Many artists will no doubt feel that this is a futile gesture; that words are a meaningless deterrent to those who would choose to dishonour them: but this is not so. Of primary importance to both artists and fans beyond a certain threshold of depth, is communion. It is unity — both within and between — that each seeks, and it is the artist whose art serves as the invitation to unite. Should this unity be threatened, those at a deep enough stage of their consciousness development will do whatever possible to remove the threat. Thus the artist must make it known in what regard they hold those who choose to dishonour them. Do they still respect them? Do they hope they change their minds and choose an ethical, meaningful relationship with them and with themselves? However they feel, they must state it. And when they do they must do so with pride and without fear. They mustn't feel as though they are the bad guy — that they have lost something. If their terms are just, holding those who dishonour them accountable sees them only gain — or regain — their depth. The purpose of their act is not to antagonize. It is not malicious. It is an act of guidance: an act of love. It is an attempt to see Themselves, their audience, and their relationship, not lost but found.
For many artists, finding Themselves is what must precede their declaration of existence. Just as their fans have been stealing from them, they have been stealing from the artists they love — and are equally as unwilling to admit that it is wrong. This self-induced blindness prevents the artist from seeing their own salvation — from seeing and being their deeper self. However, by simply opening their eyes, looking in the mirror, and saying, "I was wrong. I'm sorry. I will make good.", their deeper self appears, and with them, the ability to declare their existence.
Should you choose to adopt this call to action, to tell your audience that it is your right to determine how your art is acquired and accessed, be under no illusion that it will be received by all. Long accustomed to only praise from artists, much of your audience will not respond well to any other type of message — especially one that challenges their morality. Many of your fellow artists will also not — at first — answer your call. There are many reasons why — including backlash they imagine they'll receive from their audience — but perhaps the most common reason is that they have been dishonouring artists themselves, and are equally afraid to admit wrongdoing. This is denial. If you once dishonoured artists, you will know the internal battle they are fighting. The best you can do is be empathetic and patient. You will receive all manner of responses to your declaration of existence and to your call for others to declare theirs. They will range from dismissive to angry. However, remember that the message you are delivering is not one of hatred. It is not: I'm great and you aren't. The message you are delivering is one of love. It is: free Yourself.
Should you choose to accept this call to action, though you will not be of the majority, you can take pride and comfort knowing that Consciousness has always progressed this way. It has forever been this powerful minority — of which you are part — who has expanded its frontier; always this small group of deeper, braver individuals who has defended depth. And should you not inspire even one person to follow your lead within your lifetime, do not count yourself a failure. Becoming Who You Truly Are is success. And the brilliance of your becoming — like the brilliance of those before you — will light the deeper path of Goodness, Truth and Beauty for generations ahead.
Declare your existence.
How To Answer The Call
Below is the Artists United Landing Page Message. We are proposing that all artists who hold true the aforementioned make this page the first page their audience sees when visiting their website or social media site. All artists are free to design their landing page as they choose (colour, font, layout, etc), but we ask that the text of the message remain as it is, and that it be the second focal point of the page (the first focal point being the name of the artist/artist's project). If your landing page is strictly artistic, we ask that the landing page message be presented on the first page that displays content.
Below the landing page is a sample Terms Page that your landing page will link to. We have provided a sample of terms, but it is of course up to each artist to set their own terms. We recommend that you write a note or post a video — before or after your terms — explaining why you’ve chosen to take this action. It will help your cause dramatically if your audience sees and hears you explain this. Body language and vocal tones go a long way toward communicating the depth of a message. Within this note or video it is also absolutely essential that you — no matter what your terms — state how you feel toward those who dishonour you; that you make a Statement of Account. A Statement of Account is a statement made by you holding those who choose to dishonour your terms accountable. Such statements are nothing new. Each of us has been giving and receiving them all of our lives. If we want to be in another’s life, we need to prove ourselves worthy of being in their life. We need to prove ourselves of a certain depth. If we do not, they will say to us — in one way or another — "You lack the depth to be in my life". All healthy relationships operate this way. The artist-audience relationship should be no different. It is only because artists have been operating as though it is, that the arts are in crisis. We have italicized the Statement of Account within the sample Terms Page message below.
Landing Page Message
We — The Rock Band — are an Artists United artist (please make the “Artists United” text a hyperlink to the Artists United website at
We believe that the artist has the right to determine how their art is acquired and accessed, for it exists not without them. If you would like to acquire or access our art, please click HERE to see how. (this links to your Terms Page — see below)
* note: please adjust the language above to apply to your art form and membership (i.e. if you are a solo artist you will use "I" instead of "we", or if you are film maker you will use “view our film” instead of “listen to our music”, etc)
Terms Page
The Rock Band — Listening Terms
(all text below is only a sample: terms are to be your own)
No longer can it be assumed that a musician wishes to participate in today's dominant music platforms as they are. Many of us are only participating because we feel we have little choice. We feel that it's participate or be torrented. Play ball or disappear.
Our terms have been listed in order of what’s best for us. Please choose what is best for you among these options. There is nothing we can do physically or legally to enforce our terms — we know this. However, if you wish to have a relationship with us that is of any value — one where we respect you — you will honour one of these terms.
1. Buy our music through our Website (link to website store)
2. Buy our music on Bandcamp (link to Bandcamp)
3. Buy our music on iTunes (link to iTunes)
4. Stream our music on Apple Music and buy a CD, digital album, or donate $7 or more here (link to PayPal, Swipe, or other)
* it takes 59.6 continuous hours of listening on Apple Music for us to earn $7 (based on average song length of 4 min)
5. Stream our music on Youtube and buy a CD, digital album or donate $7 or more here (link to PayPal, Swipe, or other)
* it takes 630 continuous hours of listening on Youtube for us to earn $7 (based on average song length of 4 min)
If you would like to see the website of an artist who has answered this call to action, please click here